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quick setting中文是什么意思

用"quick setting"造句"quick setting"怎么读"quick setting" in a sentence


  • 快凝
  • 快速安装
  • 快速凝固的
  • 速凝


  • Providing proximity card flash edit mode for easy & quick setting
  • Road vehicles . speedometer . quick setting power take - off
  • Quick setting cement
  • Quick setting bow pencil and quick setting bow combination with interchangeable parts
  • With a built - in ethernet interface , the pcs - tl30 can be configured by simply plugging it into a compatible lan minimum 56kpbs , up to maximum 2mbps and making a few quick settings on its intuitive setup menu
    内置的乙太网介面可令pcs - tl30容易接上区域网路最慢速为56kbps ,最快速为2mbbps
  • Laser atmospheric communication has the characteristics of low investment , large capacity , quick setting , and fine electromagnetism compatibility . it is a newly active means to build up network
  • With a built - in ethernet interface , the sony pcs - tl30 can be configured by simply plugging it into a compatible lan minimum 56kpbs , up to maximum 2mbps and making a few quick settings on its intuitive setup menu
    Pcs - tl30配备一个内置的乙太网介面,只需插入乙太网线即可在其直观的设置菜单进行几项快速设置。
  • The summer dike consisting of water absorbing and quick setting material is made of the outer geotextile bag - form , the geomembrance inner bag - form with the effective water - retaining material inside and protecting cushion , reinforcing band , water injection hole , anti - seepage strap etc
  • The effects of gypsum on fluidity of cement mortar and setting time of cement paste are not significant when it used as retarder of cement . whereas , when 0 . 3 % ca - lignosulphonate or ca - solassate added in cement used anhydrite gypsum as retarder , loss of fluidity of cement mortar is rapid , quick setting is occurred
    但是,在硬石膏调凝水泥中掺加0 . 3的木钙和糖钙缓凝减水剂却能使水泥砂浆流动度经时损失加快,净浆表现出促凝现象,发生外加剂与水泥的不相容问题。
用"quick setting"造句  


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